Angelica Horst
Glutinous Short Grain Sweet Rice, Rice Flour & Meal, Pre-Gelatinized Rice Flour, Extruded Protein and Grain Crisps, Gluten-Free Breaders
Angelica Horst
Glutinous Short Grain Sweet Rice, Rice Flour & Meal, Pre-Gelatinized Rice Flour, Extruded Protein and Grain Crisps, Gluten-Free Breaders
Angelica Horst, CEO
PGP International’s aspiration is to be the leader of innovative, high quality crisps and rice flour ingredients that meet the overall needs of customers.
PGPI’s portfolio of ingredients includes extruded crisps, rice flours, and sweet rice. These ingredients are used by major brands to produce baked goods, confections, nutrition bars and snack products. Their products include: Glutinous Short Grain Sweet Rice, Rice Flour & Meal, Pre-Gelatinized Rice Flour, Extruded Protein and Grain Crisps, and Gluten-Free Breaders.
“Safety is the most important part of our operating philosophy, encompassing worker safety and food safety. Our commitment to safety is supported by major investments in plant design upgrades, processing parameters, operating procedures and extensive education and training.”
-Angelica Horst, CEO
The Woodland PGPI facility is over 180,000 square feet and employs 149 people.